
XML serialization

As of Noda Time 2.3, the following types implement IXmlSerializable and can therefore be serialized:

  • Instant
  • OffsetDateTime
  • ZonedDateTime
  • LocalDateTime
  • LocalDate
  • LocalTime
  • Offset
  • Interval
  • Duration
  • PeriodBuilder (see note below)
  • OffsetDate
  • OffsetTime

XML serialization raises a few ugly issues which users should be aware of. Most importantly, it's designed for mutable types with a parameterless constructor - which is somewhat problematic for a library composed primarily of immutable types. However, as all structs implicitly have a parameterless constructor, and the this expression is effectively a ref parameter in methods in structs, all the value types listed above have ReadXml methods which effectively end with:

this = valueParsedFromXml;

This looks somewhat alarming, but is effectively sensible. It doesn't mutate the existing value so much as replace it with a completely new value. XML serialization has been performed using explicit interface implementation in all types, so it's very unlikely that you'll end up accidentally changing the value of a variable when you didn't expect to.

Period presents a rather greater challenge - as a reference type, we don't have the luxury of reassigning this, and we don't have a parameterless constructor (nor do we want one). PeriodBuilder is a mutable type with a parameterless constructor, however, making it ideal for serialization. Typically other classes wouldn't contain a PeriodBuilder property or field of course - but by exposing a "proxy" property solely for XML serialization purposes, an appropriate effect can be achieved. The class might look something like this:

/// <summary>
/// Sample class to show how to serialize classes which have Period properties.
/// </summary>
public class XmlSerializationDemo
    /// <summary>
    /// Use this property!
    /// </summary>
    public Period Period { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Don't use this property! It's only present for the purposes of XML serialization.
    /// </summary>
    public PeriodBuilder PeriodBuilder
        get { return Period == null ? null : Period.ToBuilder(); }
        set { Period = value == null ? null : value.Build(); }

When serializing, the XmlSerializer will fetch the value from the PeriodBuilder property, which will in turn fetch the period from the Period property and convert it into a builder. When deserializing, the XmlSerializer will set the value of PeriodBuilder from the XML - and the property will in turn build the builder and set the Period property.

In an ideal world we'd also decorate the PeriodBuilder property with [Obsolete("Only present for serialization", true)] but unfortunately the XML serializer ignores obsolete properties, which would entirely defeat the point of the exercise.

It's also worth noting that the XML serialization in .NET doesn't allow any user-defined types to be serialized via attributes. So while it would make perfect sense to be able to apply [XmlAttribute] to a particular property and have it serialized as an attribute, in reality you need to use [XmlElement] instead. There's nothing Noda Time can do here; it's just a limitation of .NET XML serialization.

Finally, serialization of ZonedDateTime comes with the tricky question of which IDateTimeZoneProvider to use in order to convert a time zone ID specified in the XML into a DateTimeZone. Noda Time has no concept of a "time zone provider registry" nor does a time zone "know" which provider it came from. Likewise XML serialization doesn't allow any particular local context to be specified as part of the deserialization process. As a horrible workaround, a static (thread-safe) DateTimeZoneProviders.Serialization property is used. This would normally be set on application start-up, and will be consulted when deserializing ZonedDateTime values. It defaults (lazily) to using DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.

While these details are undoubtedly unpleasant, it is hoped that they strike a pragmatic balance, providing a significant benefit to those who require XML serialization support, while staying out of the way of those who don't.

Serialized representation

Most serialized forms just consist of element text using a specified text handling pattern, as described below. Types which support multiple calendar systems additionally use the calendar attribute for the calendar system ID (but only when the calendar system of the value isn't the ISO calendar), while ZonedDateTime always uses an extra zone attribute for the time zone ID.

PeriodBuilder and Interval are somewhat different: PeriodBuilder uses the round-trip text representation of the Period that would be built by it, while Interval has only start and end attributes, each of which is represented as the respective Instant converted using the extended ISO pattern. (If an interval has no start or has no end, due to extending to the start or end of time, the corresponding attribute is omitted.)

Type Description or pattern Example
Instant Extended ISO pattern <value>2013-07-26T16:45:20.123456789Z</value>
LocalDate ISO pattern, optional calendar <value calendar="Gregorian 3">2013-07-26</value>
LocalTime Extended ISO pattern <value>16:45:20.123456789</value>
LocalDateTime Extended ISO pattern, optional calendar <value calendar="Gregorian 3">2013-07-26T16:45:20.123456789</value>
OffsetDateTime RFC 3339 pattern (extended ISO but with offset in form +/-HH:mm or Z), optional calendar <value calendar="Gregorian 3">2013-07-26T16:45:20.123456789+01:00</value>
ZonedDateTime Extended ISO pattern, optional calendar <value calendar="Gregorian 3" zone="Europe/London">2013-07-26T16:45:20.123456789+01</value>
Interval Extended ISO pattern, optional calendar <value start="2013-07-26T16:45:20.123456789Z" end="2013-07-26T17:45:20.123456789Z" />
Offset General pattern <value>+01</value>
PeriodBuilder Round-trip pattern <value>P10Y5DT3H20S</value>
Duration Round-trip pattern <value>1:12:34:56.123456789</value>
OffsetDate General ISO pattern <value>2013-07-26+01:00</value>
OffsetTime Extended ISO pattern <value>T16:45:20.123456789+01:00</value>

Binary serialization

As of Noda Time 2.3, for the desktop build only, the following types implement ISerializable and have the [Serializable] attribute applied to them, and can therefore be serialized using BinaryFormatter:

  • Instant
  • OffsetDateTime
  • ZonedDateTime
  • LocalDateTime
  • LocalDate
  • LocalTime
  • Offset
  • Interval
  • Duration
  • Period
  • OffsetDate
  • OffsetTime

Binary serialization is simpler than XML serialization in terms of not interfering with immutability, which is why Period itself is serializable. However, the issue of requiring a time zone provider to be configured via DateTimeZoneProviders.Serialization is still present. (The same property is used for both binary and XML serialization.)

The PCL and .NET Standard 1.x do not support binary serialization, so the interface and attribute are not applied to the above types in those builds of Noda Time.

The serialized form is not documented here as it is not expected to be consumed other than by the BinaryFormatter; the relevant code is easily discovered in each serialized type, however.

Third-party serialization

The Noda Time project itself has support for Json.NET. Additionally, there is a separate project for ServiceStack.Text support. Details of both are given below.

Json.NET: NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet

Json.NET is supported within the NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet assembly and the namespace of the same name. This assembly is built against Json.NET 4.5.11, and is available in both portable and desktop flavours. It can be installed using NuGet, again with a package name of NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet. See the installation guide for more details.

An extension method of ConfigureForNodaTime is provided on both JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings. Alternatively, the NodaConverters type provides public static read-only fields for individual converters. (All converters are immutable.)

Custom converters can be created easily from patterns using NodaPatternConverter.

Please ensure that all relevant JSON handlers are configured appropriately. In some cases there may be more than one involved, possibly one for reading and one for writing, depending on your configuration. For ASP.NET using HttpConfiguration, you probably want to configure HttpConfiguration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.

For ASP.NET Core, this configuration would normally be handled by calling the AddJsonFormatters method within your application's ConfigureServices method. For example:

services.AddJsonFormatters(settings => settings.ConfigureForNodaTime(DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb));

Disabling automatic date parsing

Between releases 4.0 and 4.5.11, Json.NET introduced automatic date parsing: by default, if the parser detects a value which looks like a date, it will automatically convert it to a DateTime or (optionally) to a DateTimeOffset. In order to give Noda Time control over the serialization, this must be disabled in JsonSerializerSettings or JsonSerializer, like this:

settings.DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None;

(The same code is valid for both JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings.)

The ConfigureForNodaTime extension methods described above both disable automatic date parsing automatically.

Supported types and default representations

All default patterns use the invariant culture.

  • Instant: an ISO-8601 pattern extended to handle fractional seconds: uuuu'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFFF'Z'
  • LocalDate: ISO-8601 date pattern: uuuu'-'MM'-'dd
  • LocalTime: ISO-8601 time pattern, extended to handle fractional seconds: HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFFF
  • LocalDateTime: ISO-8601 date/time pattern with no time zone specifier, extended to handle fractional seconds: uuuu'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFFF
  • OffsetDateTime: RFC3339 pattern: uuuu'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss;FFFFFFFFFo<Z+HH:mm>; note that the offset always includes hours and minutes, to conform with ECMA-262. It does not support round-tripping offsets with sub-minute components.
  • ZonedDateTime: As OffsetDateTime, but with a time zone ID at the end: uuuu'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss;FFFFFFFFFo<G> z
  • Interval: A compound object of the form { Start: xxx, End: yyy } where xxx and yyy are represented however the serializer sees fit. (Typically using the default representation above.) An alternative form can be specified using the WithIsoIntervalConverter extension method on JsonSerializer/JsonSerializerSettings. If an interval is infinite in either direction, the corresponding property is omitted.
  • Offset: general pattern, e.g. +05 or -03:30
  • Period: The round-trip period pattern; NodaConverters.NormalizingIsoPeriodConverter provides a converter using the normalizing ISO-like pattern
  • Duration: A duration pattern of -H:mm:ss.FFFFFFFFF (like the standard round-trip pattern, but starting with hours instead of days)
  • DateTimeZone: The ID, as a string


  • Currently only ISO calendars are supported, and handling for negative and non-four-digit years will depend on the appropriate underlying pattern implementation. (Non-ISO converters are now possible, but the results would be very specific to Noda Time.)
  • There's no indication of the time zone provider or its version in the DateTimeZone representation.

ServiceStack.Text: NodaTime.Serialization.ServiceStackText

ServiceStack.Text is supported via a separate project on GitHub. There is a NuGet package, and documentation is on the project page. The package supports Noda Time version ≥ 1.2.0 and ServiceStack.Text ≥ 3.9.44.

The JSON representation is the same as that used by Json.NET above.